View and/or download the map of the port of Civitavecchia with the main points of interest:

docks, cruise and ferry terminals, parking areas, bar and/or restaurants, monuments, access points (for pedestrians, for cars and for heavy goods vehicles) and much more.

Map of the Port of Civitavecchia

Map of the Port of Civitavecchia

Key and Useful Information 


The docks in the port

2 - Cinciari 8 - Cialdi 14 - Albicini 25 - Commerciale
2bis - S. Rosa 9 - Marconi 16 - Compagnia Roma 26 - Commerciale
2 ter - S. Teofanio 10 - Traianea 18 - Santa Fermina 27 - Darsena S. Egidio
3 - Calata P. Tommaso 11 - Traianea 20 - XIV Maggio 28 - Darsena S. Egidio
4 - Sardegna Nord 12 - Antemurale Colombo 21 - XIV Maggio 29 - Nuova Darsena Traghetti
5 - Sardegna Sud 12 bis - Antemurale Colombo 22 - Commerciale 30 - Nuova Darsena Traghetti
6 - Michelangelo 13 - Antemurale Colombo 23 - Commerciale  
7 - Guglielmotti 13 bis - Antemurale Colombo 24 - Commerciale  

The docks number 10, 11, 12, 12bis, 13 e 13 bis are for cruise ships and are managed by RCT (Rome Cruise Terminal).

Information points

In the Port of Civitavecchia there are 3 information points, which are situated:

  • inside the Terminal ADM Autostrade del Mare
  • in the "Largo della Pace" area
  • in the Varco Vespucci

Parking areas

In the port of Civitavecchia there are 2 parking areas:

For further infromation, please visit this page.


Passenger Terminal

There are Passenger Terminals offering different services:

  • Cruise Terminal: cruise traffic is concentrated in the 4 terminals in the docks number 10, 12 Bis Sud, 12 Bis Nord, 25 and in the new Amerigo Vespucci Terminal which, with its 11.000 square metres of surface area, is one of the largest terminals in Europe. It is equipped with modern passenger and baggage handling. There is also a VIP lounge, the " Cruise Bar" and a panoramic terrace.
  • Terminal Traghetti: ADM (Autostrade Del Mare) is the terminal for all tourists arriving at or departing from the port of Civitavecchia by ferrys and other ships. There you can find ticket offices, shops, a bar and a snack-bar. 

Entrance/Access gates to the Port

You can enter and leave the port of Civitavecchia through different gates and entrances:

  • Vespucci gate: the only entrance for passengers' vehicles and for those having a valid entry ticket. It is open 24 hours a day and it is under surveillance of the PAS (Port Authority Security).
  • Nord gate: it's open from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 (midnight) and it is under surveillance of the PAS (Port Authority Security). Only people with a valid entry ticket can use the gate. Only vehicles subject to custom control and used for goods transportation can use the gate. 
  • Fortezza gate: the "Fortezza" gate is under the PAS surveillance (Port Authority Security) and it's open 24 hours a day. The vehicular access is also allowed to emergency vehicles, to the Armed Forces, to the to Police and to the PA. The pedestrian entrance is open in the following hours:
    • winter (15th October to 15th April ): from 12:00 to 6:00 a.m;
    • summer (15th April to 15th October): from 02:00 to 6:00 a.m.
  • Pedestrian Entrance in Porta Livorno
  • Pedestrian Entrance in Lungoporto Gramsci
  • Pedestrian Entrance in Via del Lazzaretto/Largo della Pace


In the area of the historic port of Civitavecchia you can admire several monuments and attractions.

For further information, please take a look at our itinerary through the historic port of Civitavecchia.

Bars and Restaurants

For detailed information about the bars, restaurants and snack-bars of the area, please visit this page

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