Ficoncella Thermal Baths
Everything about Ficoncella Thermal Baths in Civitavecchia: opening times, prices, contacts, how to get there and some useful advice.Are you looking for a day devoted to relax and wellness? Ficoncella Thermal Baths are the right place for you! After diving for some minutes into these miraculous waters you will never want to leave again!
This article is intended for information/promotional purpose only. For more information contact the URP office - Municipality of Civitavecchia:
telephone: 0766 590241-42-12
The Ficoncella thermal baths are reopened again from 1st July 2021.
Ficoncella Thermal Baths are located on a high ground 4 km from Civitavecchia and about 1 hour drive from Rome.

One of the baths of Ficoncella
The facility is very old and it was already known and valued in ancient times, often visited as an alternative to the famous Taurine Baths (Baths of Trajan) already in Roman times. The water flowing still today from the spring is the same in which Emperor Trajan bathed many centuries ago!
Also the Etruscan knew this miraculous spring. In fact halfway between the ancient Civitavecchia and Tarquinia, they built the city of Aquae Tauri, which does not exist anymore and from which only few ruins remain. The thermal complex of La Ficoncella, unlike the Baths of Trajan, is not very bug and counts with a total of 5 natural baths with different degrees of temperature, the hottest reaching 60°C.
Curiosity: The name Ficoncella comes from a big fig tree (fico in Italian), still visible today that provides the swimmers with shadow in the most sunny days.
For its countless therapeutic proprieties, the waters of La Ficoncella are suitable for the treatments of many diseases like dermatitis, arthritis and disorders related to the gastric, respiratory or urinary systems. They are also very efficient to heal wounds and inhaling it helps treating throat inflammations. Next to one of the baths at the entrance, on the right, you can take inhalations thanls to the steam coming from the close cave.
The temperature goes from 50 to 60 degrees centigrade, depending on the bath where the water flows into. It is a sulphur water, yet characterized by the absence of strong sulphur smell. The heat reached by water allows a reaction of calcium sulphate that releases sulphuric acid and other salts, guaranteeing a beneficial action, moisturizing and stimulating at the same time. In fact, the water in this baths is defined as calcium sulphate slightly alkaline.
Before getting to La Ficoncella Thermal Baths and diving into its hot waters we advise you to read the following indications.
The thermal baths are not advisable to people suffering from acute organic pathologies that can compromise their autoimmune system, specially in forms of fever, in decompensated heart patients, in chronic liver diseases with cirrhotic states, in chronic renal insufficiency with oliguria, in pregnant women, in severe arterial hypertension not controlled by pharmacological treatments, phlebitis, haemorrhiod varicose veins in acute phase or with thrombosis.

Ficoncella Thermal Baths - Civitavecchia
The facilities are supplied with a bar, changing rooms, resting rooms, chairs and sunbeds. Before diving into the baths it is mandatory to take a shower, with the hot water from the spring! We advise you to bring along a couple of towels and a pair of slippers for the shower.
In addition, if this is the first time you dive into this kind of water, don't exaggerate! The heat could cause an unexpected pressure drop. Start with a slow immersion in one of the less hot waters; stay there for some minutes and then dive in again. Take a break, take advantage of your time to take some inhalations and lay down on a sunbed to enjoy a sunbathe. Try again to dive into a warmer bath after a while but be always careful not to dive into the water too fast!

A wonderful sunset view on the sea from Ficoncella Thermal Baths

Ficoncella Thermal Baths
We are sure you will enjoy your visit to La Ficoncella. These baths are really a hidden treasure of Civitavecchia. During the summer, the baths stay open until 2 am... try to dive into the water with your eyes looking at the starry sky feeling the sea breeze against your skin... we are sure you will never want to leave!
Useful information
At present, the ways to reach the Baths Ficoncella are:
By Car:
- from the South (Rome) following the highway A12 (E 80) exit Civitavecchia Nord; turn right towards Tolfa (SP 7b), you will arrive after about 1 km;
- from the North (Grosseto) following via Aurelia (SS1), turning into highway A12 (E 80) towards Rome exit Civitavecchia Nord; turn lefttowards Tolfa (SP 7b), you will arrive after about 1 km.By Taxi:
Taxis leave from Civitavecchia Train Station. Our advice is to free download the official app.
- Every monday is closed.Day: every day from 8 am to 2 pm and from 6 to 8 pm.Night: from 01/07 to 31/08 the thermal baths remains open until midnight.
The cost of individual admission varies depending on the time and between residents and non-residents:
- residents / morning (8:00 – 14:00): €2.00
- residents / afternoon (18:00 – 20:00): €2.00
- residents / full day (8:00 – 20:00): €3.00
- non-residents / morning (8:00 – 14:00): €6.00
- non-residents / afternoon (18:00 – 20:00): €6.00
- non-residents / full day (8:00 – 20:00): €10.00
- evening (20:00 – 24:00): €10.00
- FREE admission for children under 6PLEASE NOTE:Admission is free for disabled people (not for their helpers) exclusively during the day opening hours.Acess to dogs is permitted only to the parking area. Dogs must have a Ieash and a mussle.Please keep your ticket until the exit.