From the Taurine Baths to Ficoncella Thermal Baths
Opening hours, prices and useful information to visit the Baths of Civitavecchia and find out how the ancient Romans relaxedLENGTH

6-8 hours


Route stops
- Taurine Baths of Civitavecchia
Taurine Baths: from suggestive archaeological park north to Civitavecchia to splendid venue for events, music festivals and manifestations.
- Ficoncella Thermal Baths
Everything about Ficoncella Thermal Baths in Civitavecchia: opening times, prices, contacts, how to get there and some useful advice.
Taurine Baths: from suggestive archaeological park north to Civitavecchia to splendid venue for events, music festivals and manifestations.
Everything about Ficoncella Thermal Baths in Civitavecchia: opening times, prices, contacts, how to get there and some useful advice.
In this route, you will not only discover how the baths were in ancient times, but will also have the chance to give it a try in The Taurine Baths, also known as Baths of Trajan, after the Roman emperor that founded the city of Civitavecchia.
That's right, because you must know that the water flowing still today in Ficoncella Thermal Baths comes from the same ancient spring known already in Etruscan times.
1. We start our journey at the archaeological site of The Taurine Baths, that stand on top of a hill, surrounded by nature, 5 km from the city center of Civitavecchia. Its name comes from the ancient small lake called Acque Tauri from which quale flowed the original spring, appreciated and known already by the ancient Etruscan. Walking among the ruins you will have the chance to admire the remains of the ancient splendour of the baths.

The Baths of Trajan in Civitavecchia
The Taurine Baths were supplied with all kinds of comforts! Changing rooms, hot and cold baths, turkish bath, massage room, bedrooms and the list goes on! Everything was finley decorate by friezes, mosaics and marbles of great value. In shor, a place for recreation and social meetings where people from all the belonging to all different social classes, from legionaries just disembarked from a mission to eminent personalities from ancient Rome. In the Baths, you will also find a beautiful botanical garden where you can walk surrounded by a splendid variety of flowers and plants.
Read our article on The Taurine Baths for a deeper look at the subject.
A practical piece of advice: The Taurine Baths are open every day from 9.30 to 13.30, so we advise to go there early in the morning and spend the rest of the day in the hot baths of La Ficoncella. Full price ticket is €8 and the ticket office closes at 13.00. For further information or to book a guided visit you can refer to the site
2. Ficoncella Thermal Baths is a small thermal center formed by 5 natural baths with different degrees of temperature, the hottest reaching 60°C. The water you will dive into today is the same in which Emperor Trajan bathed many centuries ago!
The surprising fact that makes this place really unique is that the healthy characteristics of the water have remained the same. The waters of La Ficoncella, in fact, are suitable for the treatments of many diseases like dermatitis, arthritis and disorders related to the gastric, respiratory or urinary systems. They are also very efficient to heal wounds and inhaling it helps treating throat inflammations. Next to one of the baths at the entrance, on the right, you can take inhalations thanls to the steam coming from the close cave.
In addition, if you are one of those people who don't stand the characteristic smell of sulphur usually present in thermal centers, you don't have to worry: one of the aspects that make La Ficoncella Baths unique is the absence of intense sulphur smell.

Ficoncella Thermal Baths
A practical piece of advice: Ficoncella Thermal Baths remain open until 20.00 but in summer they close late at night. The area is provided with wide parking facilities and you can leave your car there for two hours for €1.50. In general, it is advisable to bring along towels and slippers for the shower. The Thermal Baths are suitable for everybody but if you suffer from any particular pathology like heart disease or high blood pressure we recommend you to refer to your doctor first.
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