Useful Numbers and Contact Information, Port of Civitavecchia
Port of Civitavecchia: contact info and phone numbers collected in one single page you must bookmark before you travelDo you need to call a cab? Is someone in your group not feeling well and need to contact the First Aid Station? Would you like to receive the timetable of the next trains leaving to Rome? Do you need to book a parking space inside the Port?
Here's finally all information collected in one single page, all useful phone numbers to travel safe from the Port of Civitavecchia to Rome and back!
If you wish to dial any of this numbers, you don't even need to copy/paste them on your smartphone, just touch the number and that's it! Before you travel, bookmark this page and take it always with you.
Useful Numbers: Port of Civitavecchia
Varco Vespucci info point: +39 0766 036807
Port of Civitavecchia: Port Authority Number: +39 0766 366 201
Port Captaincy of the Port of Civitavecchia: +39 0766 366401
Coast Guard Sea Emergencies Mare: +39 1530
Taxis Civitavecchia: free download the official app
Parking Facilities Port of Civitavecchia: click here to book
Luggage Storage Port of Civitavecchia: click here to book
Taxi Roma, numero: +39 060609
Hospital of Civitavecchia: +39 0766 5911
First Aid Station: +39 118
Carabinieri: +39 112
Police: +39 113
Fire Department: +39 115
Info Rome: +39 060606
Info Rome Traffic - Free Number (ANAS): +39 800 841 148

Port of Civitavecchia - Useful Numbers
PS. Help us improve this page: if you find a mistake or a number that is no longer available, please, send us a message and we will update the information as soon as possible!
Useful information
Port of Civitavecchia