Container Loading in the Port: AdSP announcement
The AdSP of the Northern-Center Thyrrenean Sea defends via an official statement their decisions on the difficult matter of container loading at the Port of Civitavecchia. Here's the full press releaseContainer loading at the Port - the 15th September approaches and polemics are increasingly burning. In order to better explain the decisions taken with the ordinance n.28 of the 13th July, which authorizes works only at quay 25 (in concession to RTC), the AdSP issues a press release.
Here we report the full statement.

Container loading is heating the summer at the Port of Civitavecchia. Here's the announcement of the Port Authority
Civitavecchia, 2nd August 2018 -The ordinance n. 28 of the 13th July 2018
with which the AdSP has specified the destination of use of some of the different areas of the commercial area of the Port of Civitavecchia, is a measure that has been assumed as a result of a lengthy and complex investigation, including an opinion of the Higher Council of Public Works (n.44/2017) and an opinion of an Interinstitutional Committee, by providing also a transitional scheme designed to contain the possible repercussions on an important traffic of fruit and vegetable products (taking account of the positive effects of this traffic to the port both in economic terms and in terms of employment).
In particular, with this ordinance the administration has clarified the extent to which the specific destination of use that was given by the PRP of 2004 (approved in 2012) to quay 25 and to the area behind (having as object port operations related to the handling and storage of containers and given in concession) could represent an obstacle to the already solid and growing landing/boarding of reefer containers (containing fruit and vegetable products) in another public quay, number 24, designed for handling and storage of conventional goods. Well, on the basis of what is stated in the aforementioned opinion of the Higher Council of Public Works, it was necessary to clarify in relation to such landings/embarks on quay 24, with long periods of temporary stop of containers on public quay, that they may stop on that quay only if temporarily. "there is an excessive vagueness of the destination of "commercial use"", which appears in contrast with the current methodological locations in the port planning". As further emphasized by the Higher Council of Public Works "if this is not complied with, In the name of a inopinata "deregulation" with respect to the original destinations d'use provided for by the PRP, the result would be a framework of randomness and uncertainty for private investors, to the detriment of the overall efficiency of the port system".
This limitation does not however determine the inability of embarking and disembarking of reefer containers (containing fruit and vegetable products) in the Port of Civitavecchia and their transfer to the Fruit warehouse (located close to the area destined to the containers), existing the possibility of using for this purpose (as still happens though to a lesser extent) quay 25, destined to containers and that is under-utilised compared to their total capacity. In any case, the administration, in the same order, is committed to make more effective and better regulate this transfer.
It should be noted furthermore that apart from such a provision, the Administration has already started the reinvention of the distribution of functions of PRP with particular regard to the whole commercial area, in an "anticipatory" key of the future adoption of the Master Plan of the port system. The final objective is to adapt the PRP to a more responsive order to economic and employment requests that subsequently to approval of the same order were developed and that must find a place inside a scheduled frame drawn up respecting environment and health and suitable to allow the reception an the increase of important traffic in the port of Civitavecchia.
This administration will present this work immediately after the summer in such a way as to be able to also receive comments by stakeholders.
Department for Promotion, Press and Communication
Port System Authority of the North-Center Thyrrenean Sea:
Ports of Rome and the Lazio