LIFE 3H Project: Hydrogen Buses at the Port of Civitavecchia
Life 3H Project aims to set up, demonstrate and make use of 3 Hydrogen Valleys (one is located in the Port of Civitavecchia) starting from the implementation of clean hydrogen buses.LIFE 3H is the first project in Central Italy developed for hydrogen mobility. The objective is to set up, demonstrate and make use of 3 Hydrogen Valleys (HVs) starting from the implementation of clean hydrogen buses.
LIFE 3H Project
The Hydrogen Valleys will be located in three different regions:
- Port of Civitavecchia (Lazio region);
- (City of) Terni (Umbria region);
- Altopiano delle Rocche (Abruzzo region).
Gli obiettivi specifici del progetto LIFE 3H sono:
LIFE 3H project’s objectives consist of:
Gestione della mobilità: creare un sistema standard di gestione della mobilità ad idrogeno che consenta di avere dati utili alla replicazione del progetto e aumentare la consapevolezza dei cittadini e migliorare l’impegno politico verso la mobilità sostenibile e la qualità dell’aria.
Production: creating the first trans-regional Hvs, by taking advantage of the synergies in H2 production and distribution.
Local Hydrogen Use: develop a common standard for sustainable local public transport; define policies that will encourage the diffusion of H2 distribution stations and of fuel cell powered vehicles.
Storage: combining the use of storage and H2 waste from nearby industrial plants (like steel and Chlorine-caustic soda production plants) in order to improve circular economy.

Life 3H Project's logo
The project consortium is made up of the following partners: Regione Abruzzo, Società Chimica Bussi, CITRAMS (Università dell’Aquila), Autorità Portuale del Mar Tirreno Centro Settenrionale, Port Mobility, Rampini, SNAM 4 Mobility, Comune di Terni, TUA – Società Unica Abruzzese di Trasporto, UNeed.IT, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi.
Port Mobility's role
Our role is to implement sustainable mobility for the services already managed by Port Mobility in Civitavecchia’s harbour. We will do so by starting using hydrogen powered buses.
More specifically, our actions will include: support to the Hydrogen Valley; monitoring of hydrogen’s impact on the harbour; contributions to the design of the new buses; socio-economic development analyses based on data gathered during the project.
Our main goal is to take an active part in the development of this project by the harbour’s authority (Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Centro Settentrionale). We want to contribute to the transformation towards a green harbour, with multiple production plants, which will allow to include renewable energies and hydrogen in the harbour’s energy balance.