Port: Lazio Region agrees to establish Simplified Logistic Zones
The implementation of Simplified Logistic Zones in the ports of Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Gaeta is finally a reality after the approval of its establishment by the Region. Positive outcomes for the economy and the territoryBureaucratic procedures have been unlocked to establish Simplified Logistic Zones (SLZ) at the ports of Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Gaeta. This is a first important step, considering the great impact in terms of export, investment and port traffic that the SLZ can bring to the economy and the relevant territories.
We already discussed these zones on the article: “Internazionalization, logistics and tourism for the growth of the port” where, looking at the numbers, the advantages of establishing SLZ, a procedure launched with the Budget Law 2018 converted from the Law Decree No 91 of 20 June 2017 which allowed for the establishment of the Special Economic Zones for the southern ports. On the contrary, SLZ may only be established in central and northern ports.
Here's the release by the AdSP and the statement by President Francesco Maria di Majo.

Simplified Logistic Zones will be established in the Ports of Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Gaeta. Advantadges in terms of export, investment and traffic for the ports and relevant territories
Civitavecchia, 30th October 2018 – The President of the Centre-North Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority, Francesco Maria di Majo has warmly welcomed to the approval this morning by the Lazio Region of the resolution to launch the administrative procedures to establish the Simplified Logistic Zones (ZLS) in the ports and dry ports of Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Gaeta and which governance (Steering Committee) will be chaired by the President of the Centre-North Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority.
“Finally – underlines di Majo – the procedures for the establishment of a SLZ in Lazio, including the three ports of the Sea Port Authority (Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Gaeta) and their dry ports can formally start. SLZ are one of the most important regulatory instruments for the attraction of new investments in the ports and the involved territories”. “The Region, by taking this resolution – specifies the president of the Port Authority - is giving a concrete answer to the work already started by our Sea Port Authority. In March 2018, within the framework of a partnership with Sea Resource (part of this Port Authority), a Working Group was created, aimed to detail the contents and the activity areas of the future SLZ to present a proposal to the Lazio Region”.
“According to several economic analysis – continues di Majo - administrative simplification is one of the main factors that drive companies investments. The decision of the Lazio Region to start such administrative simplification is prove of the great attention paid to the development of the entire port and logistics industry, which will be largely benefited by the implementation of Simplified Logistic Zones. The role of the Port Autority in the Working Group will be extremely useful to identify concrete measures for administrative simplification, necessary to develop the logistics of the port activity”. “To do so, - points out di Majo - the Port Authority will deploy synergies with the Region to draw up a Development Plan (in order to establish the SLZ), taking a cue from the interesting proposals of the Development Plan for the establishment of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) drawned up by the Puglia Region, with the support of the Southern Adriatic Sea Port Authority (with which the Lazio Port Authority signed a cooperation agreement on this matter two months ago)”. “I would like to thank, - concludes President of the Centre-North Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority - President Zingaretti, Alderman for Public Works, Territory and Mobility Mauro Alessandri and Alderman for Economic Development, Trade and Crafts, Gian Paolo Manzella. I woould also like to thank all the Regional Council, which has shown great interest on this matter, with the aim to contrbute to the relaunch of competitiveness, economic growth and increase of employment in the Lazio port and logistics industry”.