Elongation of the Breakwater, Ferry Dock and Service Dock: works starting in 2019
Elongation of the Cristoforo Colombo Breakwater, the Ferry Dock and the Service Dock: these are the 3 strategic works for the Port of Civitavecchia object of the last inspection prior to the start of the works that will most likely begin next yearWe receive and publish the following Press Release.
Civitavecchia, 15th May 2018 - Last Friday the last inspection prior to the release of the technical and administrative acceptance certificate that sets forth the completion of the first removal of the works related to the 1st Functional Lot for the Elongation of the Cristoforo Colombo Breakwater, the Ferry Dock and the Service Dock took place at the Port of Civitavecchia. It will be a "strategic" insfrastracture not only for the development of the port but also for the economy of the entire Rome region, high Lazio and immediate neighboring regions.
"The works, that started in July 2012 and were funded with €145,102,553.34 by the CIPE and with €49,549,156.00 by the Port Authority of Civitavecchia, were realised - points the president of the Port System Authority of the Center-North Thyrrenian Sea Francesco Maria di Majo - in three strategical works: Elongation of the Cristoforo Colombo Breakwater, necessary to improve the conditions of internal traffic and to guarantee the safety of the in and out manoeuvres of the port; Ferry Dock, essential to boost the role of the Port of Civitavecchia as a strategic point in the industry of the Highways of the Sea and, especially, in the connections with Spain, North Africa and eventually with all Mediterranean countries; Service Dock, essential to the delocation of some activities to the service of ships that are currenty only available at the historic port".
"Such works - continues di Majo - will be aimed to an optimal and rational zoning of the whole port are since, other than the so hoped separation between the historic port and the trade port, they will allow a further development of the homogeneous industries of the trade port, including: cruise, container and unitary cargo, passenger and cargo ferries (Ro-Ro and Ro-Pax traffic), vehicles, services to ships and safety and, finally, in the northern part of the port, the industry and energy area".

Strategic works at the Port of Civitavecchia include the elongation of the Breakwater, the Ferry Dock and the Service Dock

Another picture of the Port of Civitavecchia from above (Ferry Dock)
The news of the completion of the test operations and the news of the recent straight grants of € 34,000,000 from the MIT and further € 2,300,000 from the European Union provide the basis for the start of the last works aimed to complete the maritime infrastructure and the urbanisation of the areas behind the Ferry Dock and the Service Dock.
Works are expected to last about 15 months and start by the beginning of next year (2019, editor's note).
"The test carried out last Friday and the start of the works - concludes President of the AdSP - will make both docks operational soon and they will allow to issue some concessions for the use provided for by the Port Master Plan".
Department for Promotion, Press and Comunication
Port System Authority of the Center-North Thyrrenian Sea
Ports of Rome and Lazio