Hidden treasures: the searches in the Historic Port continue
A team of experts on underwater archeology have reached these days important discoveries that could change the history of the Port of CivitavecchiaFew people are aware that in the first days of May a pool of experts in underwater research and excavations worked near the the seabeds surrounding the Molo del Lazzaretto. We had widely anticipated so, some months ago in the article "PORT OF CIVITAVECCHIA, IN SEARCH FOR THE LOST TREASURE". The discoveries that have been made have been really exceptional, but out of correctness we will await the official publication by the institutions and associations that have worked in the recent months.

Searches at Molo del Lazzaretto on the first days of May 2016
Everything was born from the intuition of Commander Mario Palmieri, technology expert for the ancient navigation as well as inventor of the exhibition Navalia “Potenza e tecnologia della flotta romana” which, together with the precious contribution of Cultural Association "La Civetta di Civitavecchia", was able to put together experts on underwater archeology, reconnaissance imagery and the port authorities: Asso (Archeology, Underwater, Speleology and Organization), Casn (Archeological Center for Naval Studies), Sub Services and Drone Solution all together to the discovery of new data and evidence on the ancient port of Civitavecchia. Fundamental and as always accurate work of the Coast Guard and the Port Authority of Civitavecchia which have authorized, assisted and managed.

Diver of Sub Sea Service working at Molo del Lazzaretto
CASN - specialized in technologies and construction techniques, navigation, use and conduction of boats and ships - and ASSO - constantly engaged in research and underwater excavations on wrecks and ancient port installations - have thus given life to a fruitful collaboration by putting in common their professionalism to the needs of scientific research, dissemination, Historical Reconstructions, scientific awareness of users and public institutions and projects and experimental archeology.
In the first days of May 2016, a multidisciplinary team of technicians and Archaeologists divers of A.S.S.O. and SUB SEA SERVICE, pilots and technologists of DRONE SOLUTION have carried out surveys and technical and topographic surveys at sea, surface and air in the area of the Molo del Lazzaretto inside the Port of Civitavecchia. The operation has allowed to acquire new data and really important discoveries. We will have to await the official pubblishing in the scientific community to learn all details. Well, a little more patience...

The Molo del Lazzaretto in the Port of Civitavecchia seen from a drone by Drone Solution
"Underwater, air and surface searches have been made to check the consistency of the support base of the Fort, the possible presence in the sea of architectural or archaeological elements of interest and the possibility to cast a new light on its history"
Doctor Mario Mazzoli, ASSO General Director

Doctor Mario Mazzoli, General Director ASSO
The operation, self-financed by the team, was possible thanks also to the disinterested participation of SUB SEA SERVICES, company of underwater works with great experience and professionalism, and the DRONE SOLUTION, partner of A.S.S.O. for discoveries, shooting and topography by aircraft by remote drive. The activities were conducted after the appropriate permissions of the Superintendency for the archeology of the Lazio region and southern Etruria, Coast Guard and Port Authority.
All that remains is to wait for the official publication of the results! Stay in touch with us (both on the site and on our social media) and we will give you an update on the next news.