Ports of Rome (Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Gaeta): data summary of 2017
Official press release of the Port System Authority of the Center-North Thyrrenian Sea about the traffic data (passengers, freight, vehicles) of the Ports of Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Gaeta in 2017Civitavecchia, 27th March 2018 - We have received and pubblished the following press release by the Port System Authority of the Center-North Thyrrenian Sea:
The Statistics Office of the A.d.S.P. confirms the growth figures that were already anticipated in the field of passenger traffic, RO-RO, containers and solid bulk cargoes, with the exception of trafficking linked to the production cycle of the center of the Enel.
As emerges from the data collected and processed by the Office are in growth passengers line (+4%), equal to over 1 million 850 thousand. As regards the field cruise, Civitavecchia is again confirms scalo leader in Italy (and the second in Europe) with 2.204.336 cruise travellers. Although in 2017 it registers a decline, albeit lower than the given national (-8% Italy -6% Civitavecchia), it is attributed exclusively to a contraction of the flow of cruise travellers in transit unlike cruise travellers embarked/landed, that result in slight growth. However, the forecasts for 2018, according to data issued by the company Cemar and confirmed by the replies Tourism, see Civitavecchia reaching 2 million and 427 thousand cruise travellers (+ 10% compared to 2017). For the port of Gaeta in 2017 there is a historical record with 4,500 cruise travellers and 12 ships in port.

Civitavecchia is again in 2017 a leading port as per number of cruises in Italy with 2,204,336 passengers
The Port of Civitavecchia also records a significant increase of the various goods in packages +390 (thousand tonnes), equal to over 5,8 million tonnes. Increase determined by a further growth of +3 % of traffic RO-RO (+150 thousand tons.), with heavy vehicles embarked/landed that grow by more than 6% returning to exceed the threshold of 200 thousand units per year, and by a substantial increase in traffic of goods in containers. Grow, in fact, of 45%, in 2017, the tonnes of freight handled in the container, that register the larger quantity so far achieved, equal to 900 thousand tonnes in total,+ 280 thousand tonnes compared to 2016, in terms of T.E.U equal to 94.401 (+27%), including 69 thousand full and 25 thousand 500 empty.

Historical record for the port of Gaeta in 2017 with 4,500 cruise travellers and 12 ships landed
Between the solid bulk cargoes it highlights an important growth of 30% of the traffic of "metallurgical products and iron ore" (+68 thousand tons) equal, generally, to 300 thousand tonnes. Increase that you record both for the quantity of goods unloaded (+30%) that for those loaded (+28%). Increments determined in particular by a renewed dynamism of Acciaierie di Terni who in the face of a greater demand for raw material (ferrochrome landed+34% 150,000 tons in total) are experiencing an increase in production (steel coil embarked +22% equal to 53 thousand tonnes in total); further growth of these trades is also to be found in the first months of the current year. To highlight, in this category, even a significant increase in traffic of fluorspar +24% (land that must be mixed with the cement), extracted near the Lake of Bracciano and embarked in the port of Civitavecchia, amounting to over 90 thousand tons. Among other bulk highlights finally a strong increase in traffic chips of wood, product of the woods of the Umbrian territory/Lazio and intended for central biomass, growth of 88% and a total of 60 thousand tonnes.

Per il porto di Fiumicino si confermano gli stessi dati del 2016
As regards trafficking in new cars were moved generally 280 thousand cars, given that confirms the positive trend of 2016, despite the decision, operator Grimaldi, assumed at the beginning of 2016 to move the car traffic FCA of Melfi in Gioia Tauro, leading to Civitavecchia, starting from 2017, the FCA car produced from the factory of Cassino.
There is, instead, a drop of products Refined petroleum products in the port of Civitavecchia, which continues to be less competitive in this sector, also taking account of the absence of a quay petrolifera in future energy Darsena and large masses of which for years expects the realization.
With reference to the airport of Gaeta has registered an increase of 2.6% (+47 thousand tons) of total traffic, determined essentially by the increase of liquid goods of 14% (+160thousand tons), amounting to 1.3 million tonnes, compared to a decline of 17 % of the traffic of dry goods (-112 thousand tons), equal to 550 thousand tonnes in total. The traffic of dry goods, differently from the half when there was a worrying -35%, in the second half is a result in the growth of 6%, with respect to the second half of 2016, and of 27% compared to the first half of 2017. To report a significant growth in the category "other solid bulk cargoes", the traffic of wood pellets (+125%), with a total of 68 thousand tonnes.
Finally, as regards the port of Fiumicino the same volumes of 2016 are confirmed with 3.4 million tonnes of refined products landed and 60 ships in port at the front of 68 of 2016.
"Such data, although positive, cannot however - supports President Di Majo - deprive the need to pursue all those initiatives and projects to make it even more competitive ports in the network of Lazio, making more efficient the port services and the general interest and enhancing infrastructure port of three ports of Lazio".
"In particular - continues Di Majo - the increase of container traffic, arrived today to almost 100 thousand TEUS, is still far from the levels that this A.d.S.P. hopes that the main dealer of the sector can be achieved in the coming years. Similarly waiting that the major operators in the sector of car traffic motive succeed in achieving their goals in terms of volume growth of this sector".
Port System Authority of the Center-North Thyrrenian Sea
Ports of Rome and Lazio