Bonsai Exhibition at the Old Rock of Civitavecchia
Visiting hours, useful information and curious facts about the original Bonsai exhibition at the old Rock of Civitavecchia from May 13 through 15 2016From today 13 May 2016, at the premises of the Ancient Rock the fascinating Bonsai exhibition, by Cultural Association "Bonsai Club of Civitavecchia".
There are about 30 "trees in miniature" that compose the 17th edition of the exhibition, the third held at the suggestive premises of the Rock, location that really makes justice to these little great masterpieces.
The Bonsai is, infact, not only a passion, but a true form of art that requieres constant commitment, tecnique and creativity.

Bonsai exhibited at the Rock of Civitavecchia

A pine bonsai inside a "moon stone"
This morning we had the pleasure of meeting some members of the Association Bonsai Club of Civitavecchia among whom we thank in particular Giampiero Giudici and the President Alfredo Vegro for their availability and kindness and also for the advice on bonsais!
During the visit, in fact, not only you can admire the bonsai exposed, but also learn the main techniques of cultivation and some tricks of the craft.
Bonsai in Japanese means tree planted in a tray (Bon= tray or low-sided pot and Sai= tree or plant).
Not many know that this is a very old tradition and it dates back to the Egiptians, who 2000 years ago were the first to grow fruit trees inside pots.
A single tree in miniature can have many styles, some are useful, some are only aesthetic.
The process through which the bonsai is given a particular form is known as wiring.

Civitavecchia Bonsai Club - Exhibition at the ancient Rock
Association Bonsai Club of Civitavecchia
From 1994 the Association Bonsai Club of Civitavecchia promotes and spreads this fascinating botanical art.
Some of their main activities are bonsai tecnique workshops, pruning, re-pot, manteinance moulding, fertilising and, finally, also a first aid service for bonsais!

Civitavecchia Bonsai Club - Exhibition at the ancient Rock
Yes you heard it right!
If you were wondering what to do with that bonsai that your mother-in-law gave you and you see wither every day that passes, you can contact the association and they promise to do their best to save it!
Jokes aside, at the bottom of the page in the info box you'll find contacts of reference.
For anyone who wants to meet in person the members of the association, we remind you that every Wednesday at 17:30, at the Social Center Anna Magnani (district of Faro) there's a weekly meeting.
You just need to go to the ancient Rock and feast your eyes on these wonderful trees! In the information box at the bottom of the page you'll find visiting hours, contact and other useful information.
Useful information
Cultural Association "Bonsai Club Civitavecchia"
Entering the Port of Civitavecchia from Varco Fortezza (Fort Michelangelo) go along the old city walls by Urban VIII next to the Calata della Rocca, go beyond the Vanvitelli Fountain and shortly after, opposite to Porta Livorno you'll be in front of the Rock.
The exhibition is held on 13, 14 and 15 May on the following times:
Morning: 10:00 - 12:30Afternoon: 16:00 - 20:00- PRICES
Free admission