Visiting the Maremma Laziale: 5 things to see and do
Ideas and tips to visit the Maremma Laziale: Archaeological Park, Terme di Vulci, old town of Montalto di Castro and much more.The Maremma Laziale is an area rich of history and nature. There are uncountable fantastic points of interest to visit. Here are 5 suggestions to visit the Maremma Toscana and Laziale (Montalto di Castro, Vulci and Capalbio).
1) Old Town of Montalto di Castro
Halfway between Tarquinia and Capalbio, there is Montalto di Castro, a town in the heart of the Maremma Laziale.
The Medieval town is made of many small squares, lanes, alleys crowned by archs and pieces of the city walls.
The main buildings include the outstanding Guglielmi Castle that, with the quadrangular tower covered with ivy, can be considered the symbol of Montalto di Castro.
From Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, crossing Via Aurelia Tarquinia in just a few minutes you will reach the modern Town Theater Lea Padovani.
To sum up, a small old town worth visiting!

Aerial panoramic views of Montalto di Castro
2) Vulci Archaeological Park
Only 40 minutes away by car from the Port of Civitavecchia, in the heart of the Maremma Laziale and not far from the towns of Montalto di Castro, Canino and Capalbio expands the Vulci Archaeological Naturalistic Park.
Within this huge park (about 120 hectares), among suggestive canyons of volcanic origin, the rich vegetation of the Mediterranean maquis, you will have the chance to admire the remains of the ancient city of Vulci, one of the most important Etruscan-Roman cities of Etruria.
Inside the area there are the Forum, the Temple and the Arch, dedicated to Publius Sulpicius Mundus, Roman senator in the 1st centuryBC, the podium of an imposing Etruscan temple made with tuff (5th century BC), different rooms of the Domus of the Cryptoporticus, luxury aristocratic villa dating back to the 2nd century BC, a small temple devoted to Hercules and a beautiful Mithraeum from the 3rd century BC.
On the opposite side of the river, there is the Etruscan Necropolis, housing thousands of tombs, like the precious François Tomb (4th century BC) which you can access through a corridor, the Tomb of the Inscriptions and the imposing Cuccumella Tomb.
The last necessary stop inside the Vulci Archeological Park is the suggestive Lake of Pellicone, set for important films.

Remains in Vulci Archaeological Park
3) Castello dell'Abbadia and Archaeological Museum of Vulci
Within the vast area of Vulci Archeological Park, there is the Medieval Castello dell'Abbadia, house ot the Archeological Museum, accessible throught the amazing Ponte del Diavolo from where you can enjoy some breathtaking views!
Built in Medieval times (12th century) by Cistercian monks on top of an old abbey devoted to San Mamiliano, the Castello dell'Abbadia, became over time into an important fortress and shelter for pilgrims and travellers, including the Knights Templar.
The Ponte del Diavolo, instead, has even older roots: the tuff main towers date back to Etruscan times while the tree-arched structuredates back to the 1st century BC.

Castello dell'Abbadia and Ponte del Diavolo
As we already mentioned, the Castello dell’Abbadia houses the Archaeological Museum of Vulci, where you will see many finds from the Necropolis (including the François Tomb) and from the whole area of the park.
There are also rich endowments of the tombs of Vulci, elegant bucchero Etruscan vases and refined figured Greek vases.
4) Terme di Vulci
After a visit to the old town of Montalto di Castro and to the Archeological Park, why don't you relax at Terme di Vulci?
There are four thermal pools filled with mainly ferrous water. The temperature of the water ranges from 42°C, in the biggest pool, to 30°C. Water is carbonated, ferruginous, sour and microbiologically pure and rich in mineral salts, especially indicated for the treatment of rheumatism and arthrosis, dermatological diseases and veino occlusive disease, thanks to the beneficial properties of these thermal waters.
5) Visiting Capalbio
If you have some extra spare time, 20 km away from Montalto di Castro and 30 km away from Vulci there is Capalbio.
A small town in Tuscany, also known as the “last town in Maremma", where you can visit many tourist attractions.
First of all, the Tarot Garden, a unique and wonderful place, built by the eccentric artist Niki de Saint Phalle, inspired by the Park Güell in Barcelona and the Park of the Monsters in Bomarzo.
The park, open to the public since 1998, is located on the southern slope of the hill of Gravicchio, characterised by 22 sculptures up to 15 meters high made of steel and concrete and covered with mirrors, glass and colored ceramics representing the arcanes of the Tarot.

Tarot Garden - Tree of Life
The Medieval town of Capalbio is worth visiting: a display of alleys, stairs and small squares, passages that open up to the fields, prestigious buildings, archs and storical gates.
Finally, we recommed you to let yourself go and get lost amidst the city walls to enjoy amazing landscape views.

Old Town - Capalbio