Everything you wanted to know about Port Mobility and you never dared to ask!
This April Fool's Day is for all our visitors, who write every day asking so many questions: these are the TOP 10 most ridiculous questions we have received!Dear readers and travellers, paraphrasing the famous Woody Allen's film, today we dedicate this article, or better, this April Fool's Day jokes to you!
Every day we receive and reply to with passion and devotion your quetions about the Port of Civitavecchia, how to reach the piers, ships departures, the main tourist destinations and much, much more!
Also, since the chat box service is available at our website you have literally let loose!
Some of your questions have let us, you know, a little puzzled; well, today, hoping to make you smile, we dedicate to you with great love and infinite gratitude this unmissable Top 10 most ridiculous questions we have received!
10th Position: the anxious passenger
Last place for an off-topic question from a clearly too anxious passenger!

Everything you wanted to know about Port Mobility and you never dared to ask - 10th position
9th Position: the gourmet
The ninth position will make every gourmet happy! It's a pity the Carciofi alla Giudia caught us unprepared! We are better at fish recipes pesce
Read here: 10 Things to Eat in Civitavecchia

Everything you wanted to know about Port Mobility and you never dared to ask - 9th position
8th Position: Anxious Mums 2.0
“Chi te vo' bene cchiù e mammà, te ‘nganna” (They who love you more than your mum are lying to you) mums in Naples say! Well, here's a tie at the ieght position between to mums that are equally anxious in the era of Facebook!

Everything you wanted to know about Port Mobility and you never dared to ask - 8th position
What can we say... is anyone knows an APP for apper le mamme apprensive è pregato di contattarci al più presto scrivendo a redazioneweb@portmobility.it

Everything you wanted to know about Port Mobility and you never dared to ask - 8th position
7th Position: the “as not said”
Who knows what this passenger meant? It's a pity we will neer know… this is his unbearable doubt!

Everything you wanted to know about Port Mobility and you never dared to ask - 7th position
6th Position: the husband in love!
Long live the married coupl! In sixth position a romantic proposition… how could we tell him wrong? The location is fantastic indeed!
Take a look at the Ancient Ruins of Monterano.

Everything you wanted to know about Port Mobility and you never dared to ask - 6th position
5th Position: the job-related stressed neurotic
Hey, relax my friend, when you are free just let us know, here everything's cool…

Everything you wanted to know about Port Mobility and you never dared to ask - 5th position
4th Position: the plotter
In foulth positione a leally unbelievable lequest! Madam, we ale solly but we lleally don't know how to leply!

Everything you wanted to know about Port Mobility and you never dared to ask - 4th position
3th position: the student repeating the year
We have finally arrived at the podium, where at the third place we find an authentic case of early school leaving… in other words geography=F!
Unless he wanted to travel with the Nautilus of Capitan Nemo and ply the seas under the continents!

Everything you wanted to know about Port Mobility and you never dared to ask - 3rd position
2nd position: the Scout group!
Yes, that's it… a Scout group!
It seems to us that if they understood that we at Port Mobility manage the website of the Frasca they might need to re-read the Junior Woodchucks Guidebook and quickly!

Everything you wanted to know about Port Mobility and you never dared to ask - 2nd position
1st position: the stuatuette!
Let the trumpets and drums resound, the most-awaited moment has arrived! Without any doubt the first place of our Top 10 is for her and it could not be otherwise.
The most absurd question of all, unexpected, unbelievable, somehow magical and surreal, a question that as an "info web service" about the ports of Rome we would have never expected! And here it is!

Everything you wanted to know about Port Mobility and you never dared to ask - 1st position
What can we say? This statuette stole our hearts so this is a callout to all artisans in Rome to contact the lady to repair her family heirloom!
Enjoy April Fool's Day!
p.s. keep writing to us, we love you all anyway!