Port of Civitavecchia: the event Frammenti 2019 is back
The 20th edition of Frammenti by Franco Ciambella is back at Porta Livorno. A blend of culture, glamour and social commitment. Here's the programme, the previews and the guests for the night.The so awaited event "Frammenti 2019" by Franco Ciambella reaches the 20th edition. The unmissable event will be held on Saturday, 14th September 2019 at 9pm, in the splendid sixteenth-century location of Porta Livorno.
Organized by Franco Ciambella and Giulio Castello with the aim, as every year, to donate all takings to As.S.pro.Ha., an NGO which is particularly in need of help this year, since part of their seat in Arcobaleno di San Gordiano collapsed, making the whole building unusableche.
Again this year, the event is sponsored by the City of Civitavecchia and the Port Authority. Moments of fashion will be intercalated with live music and dance shows with an exceptional hostess, Chiara Giallonardo, jounalist at RAIUNO.
Frammenti 2019: programme and guests
The leader of the night, Franco Ciambella, will bring to the catwalk his hand-made creations entitled “Oniric ‘80” inspired by the 80s. The clothes are eye-catching, the sleeves catch the main attention, the colour of the fabrics, the accessories and the lively makeup.
Straight from the Altaroma catwalks arrives the Capitoline maison “Sabrina Persechino”, a stylist and architect who designs clothes as she designs buildings. It is not by chance that her collection “Be_sign” be inspired by the “Bauhaus” German rationalist movement. Silken, cachemir and skins give live to linear and geometrical outfits, with a extremely smart touch. The shades go from yellow to magenta, from green to gold and to black.
At the event, there will also be Erasmo Fiorentino, who created his first collection in 2006 called High Fashion in Paris and was then named Art Director at a Swiss company in 2010, to launch a High Fashion line with his name.
The youngest creativity will be present with students of the ABAV - Accademia di Belle Arti “Lorenzo da Viterbo”, with the collection “Dior VS Chanel”.

Frammenti 2019: official poster of the event

Picture of a beautiful dress of the latest edition
Non solo moda, ma anche tanta musica. Infatti sarà presente all’evento anche lo straordinario Olen Cesari, il violinista che vanta live nei grandi templi della musica mondiale, oltre a esibizioni per capi di Stato e degli ultimi tre Papi. Tra le sue performance più suggestive, quella sulla spalla del Cristo redentore di Rio de Janeiro.
Eden, cantante lirico di soli 17 anni, che si è classificato Secondo a Sanremo young 2019.
Mariagrazia Di Valentino, artista eclettica, nella sua carriera è stata voce solista di un coro gospel, “Oberon” nello spettacolo teatrale “Sogno di Una Notte Di Mezza Estate” e protagonista dell’opera rock della PFM “Dracula” prodotta da David Zard.
E infine, i Mini Raptor Megacrew cureranno il momento danza. Un gruppo di ragazzi giovanissimi ed entusiasmanti dai 9 ai 14 anni seguiti dagli insegnati e coreografi Patrizio e Rachele Ratto. Alcuni di loro quest’anno si sono esibiti arrivando in finale ad ITALIA’S GOT TALENT 2019.
Useful information
Info and contact: +393381272879 – info@francociambella.com
The event will be held at the monumental staircase of Porta Livorno, in the heart of the Historic Port of Civitavecchia.
9 pm
Free admission subject to availability.
All takings will be donated to ASSPROHA.