Ports of Rome: data of the first semester 2018
Ports of Rome: here's all data about passengers, RO-RO, containers, dry bulk and vehicles in the first semester 2018.We receive and publish the following press realease by the Port System Authority of the North-Center Thyrrenean Sea:
Come emerge dai dati raccolti ed elaborati dagli uffici dell’Ente i passeggeri di linea crescono di oltre il 2%, mentre i crocieristi del 17%, di cui un aumento in cd. “turn around” del 9% ed in transito del 21%.
Civitavecchia, 2nd August 2018 - Also in the first half of 2018, traffic of the Port System Authority of the Northern-Center Tyrrhenian Sea, is growing, especially passenger traffic (both line and cruise passengers), RO-RO, containers and solid bulk cargoes, with the exception of traffic linked to the production cycle of the Enel center as found in 2017.
As emerges from the data collected and processed by the offices of the institution, line passengers grew by more than 2%, while cruise travellers grewby 17%, of which a vertical increase in "Turn around" of 9% and in transit of 21%.
The overall traffic is growing particularly in the port of Civitavecchia (+3%), it is steady in the port of Fiumicino and in decline by 8% in the port of Gaeta. Looking at the overall data of the three ports of the AdSP a growth of 1.3% have been registered, especially a growth in the tonnaged handled, with an overall of 8 milion 200 thousand tonnes (+105 thousand tonnes).
The growth of the port of Civitavecchia has been driven mainly by the traffic of goods in packages that, overall, grow by over 14%, that is 400 thousand tonnes compared to 2017, thanks to a further increase of the traffic of cargo containers (+4.3%) and, especially, of the cargo handled in RO-RO, that has grown by 17%, with over 53 thousand T.E.U. and over 120 thousand heavy goods vehicles handled up to 30th June 2018.
The growth in traffic of goods in packages, and of the remaining solid bulk cargoes, amply compensates for the further decline due to exogenous factors, of trafficking linked to Enel production cycle, particularly charcoal and ash, that registers a loss equal to over 270 thousand tonnes in the first half of the current year.
This is in contrast with respect to the remaining solid bulk cargoes that, overall, register an increase of 10%. In particular it is confirmed, as already found in the course of 2017, a further growth of 13% of the traffic in imports of ferro-chrome, and 20% of the traffic in export of steel coil. This further confirms the refound dynamism of Acciaierie di Terni. Further significant growth is observed also for the traffic of fluorspar (+41%); for clay (+39%), while 19% decrease is the traffic of chips of wood.

Ports of Rome: Civitavecchia, Fiumicino and Gaeta - Data 1st Semester 2018
Regarding the traffic of new vehicles, imports are nearly the same than in the first semester 2017 (in particular, 83,290 cars compared to 85,840 in the first semester 2017) while there is a slight decrease in the traffic of car exports (from 85,285 to 31,168). This number is due especially to the trend in the vehicle traffic of FCA cars built in the factory of Cassino.
Finally, regarding the traffic of petroleum products in the port of Civitavecchia there is a growth of over 12%, in contrast to the negative trend of the last few years.
Regarding the port of Gaeta, it still records a decrease of the total traffic, equal to 8%, determined by the contraction of the 5% of the traffic of petroleum products (mainly due to the ongoing maintenancework of the petroleum wharf), but especially the traffic of dry bulk (-17%). Of the dry bulk cargoes, compared to an increase of the traffic of coal and fertilisers (respectively +40 thousand and +21 thousand tonnes), there is a generalized contraction of all other freight.
Finally traffic of petroleum products in the port of Fiumicino is steady, equal to over 1 million and 500 thousand tonnes for 29 shipyards, substantially equal to the previous year.
Department for Promotion, Press and Communication
Port System Authority of the North-Center Thyrrenean Sea:
Ports of Rome and the Lazio