Postcards from Civitavecchia: the Pictures and the Calendar 2024
Here you find the 12 photos selected and other beautiful shots. Find out how to get the Calendar 2024!So… the 9th edition of Postcards from Civitavecchia has ended!
Finally we can announce the 12 photos of the new 2024 Calendar. But first we want to THANK all participants who again this year gave us so many emotions.
This event represents a little challenge every year…We can happily say that the new calendar is beautiful!
A matter of perspective
The theme of this edition has been "A Matter of Perspective"; an invitation to show the beauty of our city from an original point of view.
For the selection of the photos, as always, we considered the coherence with the theme along with the photo quality. Our goal is still to create a calendar that will accompany us, month after month, into the new the photos's pertinence to the different months has been very important too.
We received so many pictures, especially in the last days of the contest, and unfortunately, as always happens, we had to screen a lot of great ones.

Civitavecchia underwater, by Adriano Grassi - The photo selected for August
The 12 pictures in the Calendar 2024
And finally the most awaited moment: the 12 photos selected for the Calendar 2024!
Congratulations to: Roberto Diottasi, Giuseppino Scotti, Massimo Galli, Patrizia Tullio, Angelo Esposito, Fabrizio Rocchetti, Tommaso Pellegrino, Adriano Grassi, Francesco Tricomi, Dario Baghini, Simone Lombi e Giordano Cozzi.
In the Calendar maybe you will recognize several points of interests, such as the Pirgo, the Fort Michelangelo, the Lazzaretto Dock, the Taurine Baths and the Cathedral ...however, they are represented in a different and original perspective!
For example, we can mention the evocative dark view of the Fort seen from the terrace of Lungoporto Gramsci by Simone Lombi, or the unexpected panorama of the whole city seen from inside the Lighthouse by Roberto Diottasi; but also the Christmas light effects on the Cathedral by Giordano Cozzi, the underwater view by Adriano Grassi, and much more.
So please take a look at the 12 shots in this beautiful gallery!
Of course, there are many other beautiful pictures that were not included in the calendar, but to which we dedicate a special gallery. We thank once again all participants!
How to get the CALENDAR 2024
As in the past editions, many copies will be donated to local organisations.
You can request one or more copies and make a donation, so your Christmas gift will be special.
To request or book one or more copies of the calendar 2024, in the wall and/or table format, please contact:
- Associazione Stelle Nascenti ODV: contact the President Marco Cecconello: Tel: 3382776575 - email: - - Facebook
- Croce Rossa Italiana Civitavecchia: Giuliana Ruggiero, Tel: 076623382 - email: - Facebook - Website
- Il Ponte, Centro di Solidarietà ODV: Tel: 3288153769 - - Website

Postcards from Civitavecchia 2024: the Calendar's cover dedicated to S. Fermina, patron saint of the city

Postcards from Civitavecchia 2024: January
The exhibition at the Archaeological Museum
The official presentation of the new Calendar will be held at the beutiful location of MANC (National Archaeological Museum of Civitavecchia). Here the 12 pictures will be exhibited and awarded!
The event will be held on 15th December at 5 pm., we are looking forward to seeing you!