Santa Fermina in Civitavecchia: programme 2016
Programme and useful information about the celebration of Santa Fermina in Civitavecchia: the procession in the Port and all the scheduled stops for April 28, 2016The next April 28, 2016, thanks to continuous work by the Standing Celebrations Comittee of Santa Fermina, Civitavecchia prepares to celebrate its patron saint, with a day full of events that will culminate with the traditional blessing of the sea in the historic port.
Here is everything you need to know to enjoy this holy day!
Fermina, patron saint of Civitavecchia: a bit of history

Statue of St Fermina in front of Fort Michelangelo
The story goes that during Fermina's journey by see from Ostia to Civitavecchia, the young girl found herself in the middle of a terrible storm that was about to sink her ship.
Only her prayers succedeed in calming the waves and once she got to the coast of Centumcellae (old name for Civitavecchia), the young girl found shelter in a grotto close to the sea.
Inside Fort Michelangelo, in the South-western tower, known precisely as Santa Ferma, it is possible to visit a small chapel in honour to the Saint Fermina: the chapel is right next to the place where Fermina would have found shelter!
To remember the event, every April 28 Civitavecchia celebrates Santa Fermina, patron saint of the city and protector of sailors.
In addition, during the whole day, access to Fort Michelangelo will be free, to visit the Chapel of the Saint.
Santa Fermina 2016: programme
Here's the detailed programme for the day:
08:00 - MUSIC BAND "G. PUCCINI" will go all over the streets of the city.
08:30 - HOLY MASS IN THE CHAPEL OF ST. FERMINA at Fort Michelangelo celebrated by Bishop Mons. Luigi Marrucci
09:30 - METTING OF THE MAYORD of Civitavecchia and Amelia in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele (Cathedral), and show of the Gruppo Sbandieratori Città di Amelia.
10:00 - THE HISTORIC PARADE OF AMELIA arrives at the Cathedral of Civitavecchia.
10:15 - OFFERING OF THE CHURCH CANDLE in the parvis of the Cathedral by the amerina community to the Bishop of the Dioceses of Civitavecchia.
11:00 - S. PONTIFICAL MASS in the Cathedral, presided by H.E. Mons. Mario Meini - Bishop of Fiesole (FI) and Vice President CEI. Concelebrants will include the priests of the city. "Corale Insieme" will animate the celebration, directed by Nicoletta Power.
16:00 - GATHERING in the Cathedral of the bearers of the statue, of Historical processions, all associations, of the Confraternities, sailors of Italy and of the Crews of the Palio Marinaro to participate in the Vespers.
16:30 - CELEBRATION OF VESPERS at the Cathedral of Civitavecchia.
17:00 - SOLEMN PROCESSION of the relics and the statue of the Saint with the participation of the Bishops, the clergy, the Mayors of Civitavecchia and Amelia, of Civil and Military Authorities, Associations, sailors of Italy, of Historical processions and of Musical Bands "G. Puccini" and "A. Ponchielli".
Procession of Santa Fermina: Itinerary
Stops of the procession:
(1) Cathedral of Civitavecchia
(2) Corso Marconi
(3) Via XVI Settembre
(4) Via Sangallo
(5) Via Leonardo
(6) Via Risorgimento
(7) Corso Centocelle
(8) Largo Plebiscito
(9) Historic Port
(10) Return to the Cathedral of Civitavecchia

Statue of St Fermina during the Procession
During the stop of the Historic Port, a devotional candle will be lit from the relay race of Amelia at the entrance of Fort Michelangelo,, where you will find the statue of the Saint.
Then there will be the traditional blessing of the sea with the offering of laurel crown to the fallen and a homage to the statue of the saint that is located on the top of the tower of the fortress, to conclude with the traditional sound of sirens of ships docked in the port.

Procession of St Fermina in the Historic Port of Civitavecchia
The celebrations in honour to St Fermina will start on April 16 with many terriotrial institutions with photography exhibitions, painting exhibitions, sport events, like the long-awaited Nautical Palio, contests, volleyball, swimming and table football tournaments, concerts and much more.
To learn more details, download the official programme: