Highway Civitavecchia to Orte will be built. Historic Government Decision
Unlocked by the Council of Ministers the last 400 million euros to complete the 18 kilometers of highway Civitavecchia-Orte. The background and the advantages of the transversal roadKnown as the "highway of shame" and the "eternal unfinished road", the road Civitavecchia-Orte finally sees the light. Despite the negative opinion of the Technical Committee VIA (impact assessment study), the Council of Ministers approved on 2nd December (2017) the measure of the environmental compatibility of the project ("Highway Anas Orte-Civitavecchia, in the stretch Monte Romano Est-SS 1 Aurelia"). These are the famous "last 18 kilometers" that will allow the completion of the road and thus facilitate the transport in the Thyrrenian-Adriatic corridor.
"A decisive step for the Orte-Civitavecchia road. Now Anas can start the works. By completing the Thyrrenean-Adriatic corridor in the European network, which is a top priority for Italy, the port of Civitavecchia will be connected with the national road network"
Graziano Delrio, Minister of Infrastructure

Layout of the Highway Civitavecchia-Orte: finished and under-construction stretches
President of the Port System Authority (AdSP) of the Center-North Thyrrenian Sea Francesco Maria Di Majo is very satisfied: "The Port of Civitavecchia will finally be connected with Europe, thanks to the commitment of the Government, which has unlocked a deadlock which lasted for a long time by financing the final stretch of the works. It is a good news not only for the port of Civitavecchia, but for the whole of the territory and the center Italy".
Di Majo suggest the advantages in terms of costs and freight handlingi:

President of the AdSP of the Center-North Thyrrenian Sea Francesco Maria Di Majo
"This happens one week before the signature of the protocol of cooperation between the AdSP of the Center-North Thyrrenian Sea and the AdSP of the Central Adriatic Sea and also a few days before the meeting of Perugia about the Highway Civitavecchia-Orte-Perugia-Ancona. Now, the Euro-Mediterranean corridor is enriched with a second road, adding to the existing highway Civitavecchia-Rome-Ortona. Today's decision by the Council of Ministers will allow to finish the road connecting the port of Civitavecchia to the port of Ancona and, by doing so, the intermodal Euro-Mediterranean corridor from Barcelona to Croatia will have a new road cross".
"Such completion - continues Di Majo - will also allow to further develop the role of the port of Civitavecchia as a port serving the market of Viterbo and Umbria favoring especially eht important export of fruit and vegetable products of these areas, like Umbrian oil. The fast connection will also open new itineraries of Tuscia for cruise travellers, offering additional opportunities for growth and development for the entire Alto Lazio, thanks to the efforts of the government and the region that have recognized the strategic importance of the works, retrieving the necessary resources to complete it, after more than thirty years of waiting".
Meanwhile, in Tuscia, after more than 40 years, they dream again. In 1968 the first parliamentary question regarding the road was presented. The labor union Uil Viterbo speaks of economic advantages but also employment: "The completion of the road is not only a public work of fundamental importance for the movement of goods in the central Italy, but also a strategic project for economic development and employment throughout Tuscia. Completion of the highway means in fact investments that will result in labor and employment, with the hope that the income produced is spent on our territory, as well as businesses called to work belong to the same area. And this could meanwhile give breath to our economy. Completion of the highway means to finally open Tuscia to central Italy by putting it in connection with close realities, that have been so far only reachable with enormous wastes of time. It means, especially, being open to tourists who choose the center Italy as destination and being able to easily reach the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea could make our area what on the coasts of Tuscany has been a reality for many years".
Economic development of the territory, goods traffic in the port of Civitavecchia, new employment, a big hand to small reality facilities and tourist sites of the Tuscia and Umbria. The prerequisites to do it well there are there, what do you think about it?