Port of Civitavecchia: Terminal del Gusto opens in April
During the visit of Lazio Regional Councillor for Agriculture Carlo Hausmann, Aldo Mattia has announced the opening date of the Terminal del GustoPort of Civitavecchia, March 2, 2016
It will be very likely be next April 7, 2016 opening date of the Terminal del Gusto in the Port of Civitavecchia. It's been Aldo Mattia - Director of Coldiretti Lazio - to announce this morning on the margin of the visit to the pretigious facilities of the Terminal del Gusto of Carlo Hausmann, Regionar Councellor of Agriculture.

Aldo Mattia and Carlo Hausmann entering to visit the Terminal del Gusto in the Port of Civitavecchia
“The Terminal del Gusto will open within the first ten days of April, very likely on the 7th”
Aldo Mattia, Director of Coldiretti Lazio
Aldo Mattia, President of the Terminal and Regional Director of Coldiretti, retraced the principal stages of an entrepreneurial initiative born to intercept the almost three million cruise travellers transiting in Civitavecchia and guide them in a tour to the discovery of the food excellencies of Rome and Lazio. The terminal extends on a surface of 1,500 square meters inside of the prestigious facilities of the Trajan markets of the Port of Civitavecchia.

During the visit to the Terminal del Gusto: Carlo Hausmann (left), Lazio Councillor of Agriculture, and Aldo Mattia (right), director of Coldiretti Lazio
It is a multifunctional space that will foster the knowledge and commerce, direct and online, of the most representative productions of, at the moment, sixty agricultural undertakings in our region. "Thanks to the formal agreements with cruise companies the Terminal - explains Mattia - will host every day thousands of tourists. This is a structure that puts itself at the service of the territory. We are ready to cooperate with dealers and with all the other protagonists of the local economy to develop synergies and share development actions advantageous for the citizens".

Inside Gallery of the Terminal del Gusto in Civitavecchia – wines

Terminal del Gusto is born within the prestigious and historic Trajan Markets
"Rather than exporting products, here we import tourists" said Carlo Hausmann in his greeting. "So far the cruise travellers who arrive from all over the world were limited to disembark at Civitavecchia, then head immediately elsewhere. For the first time, we will be able to retain them here in our region, on our territory, in this that I consider to be the home of the producers for a trip into the extraordinary world of typical food and wine products, that today is our most appreciated heritage around the world. This - concluded Carlo Hausmann - means promoting our territory and the system economy. The terminal is the most effective tool to internationalize the Lazio region and ensure our economy valuable benefits in terms of GDP and employment".

Visit to the Terminal del Gusto. Aldo Mattia (second left), Carlo Hausmann (third left) and Civitavecchia City Councillor Enzo D'Antò (first right)
At the end of the visit Hausmann asserted that "The quality of the products, the prestigious location and the context of the port are and must continue to be the true added values of this project".
Useful information
Port of Civitavecchia: Terminal del Gusto opens in April