Postcards from Civitavecchia 2018: third edition
The third edition of Postcards from Civitavecchia 2018, a photography social contest created by Port Mobility: calendar, when it starts and how to participate.Everything happens in threes! Postcards from Civitavecchia arrives at the most awaited third edition!
Many of you have been asking us in the last months about the 3rd edition... well, here it is!
After the success of the first and second editions (look at the best pictures) Port Mobility presents again the only photography social contest (followed also by the University of Paris) created to promote the city.
Let's not waste any more time and let's find out all the news about this third edition based on the topic:

Postcards from Civitavecchia 2018 - Port Mobility
Postcards from Civitavecchia 2018: Colours of the city
In this 3rd edition, the theme is “Colours of the city”.
Colours are always associated to one or more states of mind, and they instill different sensations every time. Art and Science have always dealt with colours and their psychological influence in humans, even being considered emotion drivers.
Every city has their own colours: loud, flashy, hidden, delicate, almost imperceptible… and you which colour will you instill in us?
How to participate
Sounds good, but how to participate?
It's really easy: from the 18th October to the 26th November 2017, you can send one or more pictures to the e-mail address or directly through our Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus pages with the hashtag #cartolinedacivitavecchia.
12 photographies will be selected for the new calendar, but all of the photographies received will be pubblished on this website and on our social networks.
For further details, please download and read carefully the guidelines.
Postcards from Civitavecchia 2018: calendar
As usual, 12 photographies will be selected to make the new Calendar 2018.
The calendar, entirely produced by Port Mobility, will be given as a present to the winners, as well as distributed to the institutional and political offices of the city and surroundings.
But there's more! All your pictures will be gathered in an album in our Facebook page and on our website, which receives over 100,000 visitors monthly.
So, what are you waiting for? Leave alone your fidget spinner and run to take pictures of the colours of the city! :)
P.S. Spread out the word... Postcards from Civitavecchia 3 is back!

Postcards from Civitavecchia 2018, third edition